# The problem is reformulated as, what is the max sum we can get for all subarrays containing this element as the end element?
# Then from base to general cases is easier to get
class Solution:
def maxSubArray(self, nums):
res = {0: nums[0]}
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
self.maxHelper(nums, i, res)
return max(res.values())
def maxHelper(self, nums, i, res):
# what's the max sum we can get for all subarray that ENDS at nums[i]?
# a dictionary to store results. If only one element, just that element
if i in res.keys():
return res[i] # already computed
# the current max can either be 1) just the current element or 2) curr + the max subarray that ends at i-1
curr_max = max(nums[i], nums[i] + self.maxHelper(nums, i-1, res))
res[i] = curr_max
return curr_max
Reformulate the problem with a DP solution.
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