A Simple Way To Access Files Inside A Folder (PHP)

$files = scandir($folderName); if($files){ $totalfiles = count($files); if ( $totalfiles == 2 ) { //read http://php.net/manual/en/function.scandir.php to see why I checked for 2 echo "This folder is empty."; exit(); } $looper = 0; while( $totalfiles > $looper ){ if( $looper != 0 && $looper != 1 && !is_dir($folderName."/".$files[$looper]) ){ // for files inside the folder echo $files[$looper]; echo "<a href='".$folderName."/".$files[$looper]."'>Download file</a>"; // a simple way to make the file downloadable ;) } if( $looper != 0 && $looper != 1 && is_dir($folderName."/".$files[$looper]) ){ // for folder inside the folder echo $files[$looper]; // echos folder's name echo "<a href='".$folderName."/".$files[$looper]."'>Open Folder</a>"; //to access files inside folder's folders, repeat the process again by giving the $folderName with folder's folders' name } $looper++; } }else{ echo "Error while accessing the folder!!!"; }
Hope you get the idea to use this :)

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