
//BCA Support - #include <stdio.h> #include <alloc.h> void main() { struct node{ int no; struct node *next; }*node,*start; char ch='y'; clrscr(); start=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); node=start; while(ch=='y') { clrscr(); printf("\nInput no. : "); flushall(); scanf("%d",&node->no); printf("\nEnter y to enter another no. : "); flushall(); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=='y') { node->next=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); node=node->next; } else { node->next=NULL; } } node=start; clrscr(); printf("\nValues :"); while(node->next!=NULL) { printf("\n%d",node->no); node=node->next; } printf("\n%d\n",node->no); node=start; start=node->next; node=start; if(start->next==NULL) { printf("\nThere's only one node in the link list!"); getch(); exit(); } printf("\nValues after deleting starting node :"); while((node->next)!=NULL) { printf("\n%d",node->no); node=node->next; } printf("\n%d",node->no); getch(); }

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