Better Block AdBlock

<?php //generate random string with 20 characters (you can change the 20 to whatever number) //the shorter you have this string, the more likely you will have two strings that are repeated //to be safe, i would have this at least 20 $rand = substr(md5(microtime()),rand(0,26),20); //generate random letter $letter = chr(rand(64, 90)); //echo it out, $letter has to go first since classes and ids must start with a letter echo $letter , $rand; //okay so now we understand how it all works, let's apply it to an ad //let's create our "ad" echo '<style type="text/css"> .' , $letter, $rand , ' { height: auto; width: auto; max-width: 100px; border: 2px outset #000; background-color: red; overflow: auto; text-align: center; padding: 20px; } </style>'; //okay now our "ad" is made in the CSS, let's output it echo '<div class="' , $letter, $rand , '">This is your ad.</div>'; //it may not look like anything is really happening to the front-end user, but that's because everything is happening //before the page even loads. This way, even if they block the element, the next time they load the page, it will //be right back again with a new name. :^) enjoy ~JBG ?>

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