Breakout (Atari)

#include "stdafx.h" #include "windows.h" #include "conio.h" #include "iostream" using namespace std; struct Objetos { int x, y, pos; bool hit; }; void gotoxy(int x, int y) { HANDLE hcon; hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD dwPos; dwPos.X = x; dwPos.Y = y; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hcon, dwPos); } void Marco() { char a = 186, b = 205, c[4]{ 201,187,188,200 }; for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { if (i < 30) { gotoxy(100, i); cout << a; gotoxy(0, i); cout << a; } gotoxy(i, 0); cout << b; gotoxy(i, 30); cout << b; } gotoxy(0, 0); cout << c[0]; gotoxy(100, 0); cout << c[1]; gotoxy(0, 30); cout << c[3]; gotoxy(100, 30); cout << c[2]; } int Menu(int opc) { char tecla; gotoxy(40, 10); cout << "BREAKOUT"; gotoxy(40, 12); cout << " PLAY"; gotoxy(40, 13); cout << " HIGH SCORES"; gotoxy(40, 14); cout << " EXIT"; do { gotoxy(39, opc); cout << ">"; gotoxy(39, opc); tecla = _getch(); gotoxy(39, opc); cout << " "; if (tecla == 72 && opc > 12) opc--; if (tecla == 80 && opc < 14) opc++; } while (tecla != 13); return opc; } void gameover() { system("cls"); Marco(); gotoxy(45, 15); cout << "GAME OVER"; getchar(); } class Bloque { public: void Mostrar(Objetos blocks[116]) { char a = 223; for (int x = 0; x < 116; x++) { gotoxy(blocks[x].x, blocks[x].y); cout << a; cout << a; cout << a; cout << a; } } Objetos Hit(Objetos block) { gotoxy(block.x, block.y); cout << " "; block.hit = true; return block; } }Cblock; class Barra { public: void Mostrar(Objetos bar) { char a = 238; gotoxy(bar.x, 25); for (int weu = 0; weu < 8; weu++) { cout << a; } } void Borrar(Objetos bar) { gotoxy(bar.x, 25); cout << " "; } int Mover(int x,char cTecla) { if (cTecla == 77 && x < 90) x += 3; if (cTecla == 75 && x > 3) x -= 3; return x; } }Cbar; class Bola { public: void Mostrar(Objetos ball) { gotoxy(abs(ball.x), abs(ball.y)); cout << "*"; } void Borrar(Objetos ball) { gotoxy(abs(ball.x), abs(ball.y)); cout << " "; } Objetos ReboteBloques(Objetos block, Objetos ball) { block.pos = 1; if (block.hit == false) { if (block.y == abs(ball.y)) { for (int dkb = 0; dkb < 5; dkb++) { if (block.x + dkb == abs(ball.x)) { block.hit = true; block.pos = 0; Cblock.Hit(block); } } } } return block; } Objetos ReboteBarra(Objetos bar, Objetos ball) { for (int r = 0; r < 8; r++) { if (bar.x + r == abs(ball.x)) { ball.y = ball.y*-1; if (r > -1 && r < 4 && ball.x>0) { ball.x = ball.x*-1; } else { if (r > 3 && r < 8 && ball.x<0) { ball.x = ball.x*-1; } } } } return ball; } Objetos Rebote(Objetos ball) { if (abs(ball.x) == 1 || abs(ball.x) == 99) ball.x = ball.x*-1; if (abs(ball.y) == 1) ball.y = ball.y*-1; return ball; } }Cball; int main() { int opc = 12, nana, wer, score; char tecla; Objetos blocks[116], ball, bar; do { system("cls"); Marco(); opc = Menu(opc); switch (opc) { case 12: score = 0; nana = 0; wer = 9; for (int qwe = 9; qwe <= 15; qwe++) { for (wer; wer <= 90; wer += 5) { blocks[nana].hit = false; blocks[nana].x = wer; blocks[nana].y = qwe; blocks[nana].pos = 1; nana++; } if (qwe % 2 != 0) { wer = 11; } else { wer = 9; } } ball.hit = false; ball.x = 50; ball.y = 24; bar.y = 25; bar.x = 46; system("cls"); Marco(); gotoxy(90, 31); cout << "SCORE: "; cout << score; Cblock.Mostrar(blocks); Cbar.Mostrar(bar); do { do { Cball.Mostrar(ball); Sleep(100); Cball.Borrar(ball); if (abs(ball.y) == bar.y) { ball = Cball.ReboteBarra(bar, ball); } else { ball = Cball.Rebote(ball); for (int meh = 0; meh <= 116; meh++) { blocks[meh] = Cball.ReboteBloques(blocks[meh], ball); if (blocks[meh].hit == true && blocks[meh].pos == 0) { ball.y = ball.y*-1; score++; gotoxy(90, 31); cout << "SCORE: "; cout << score; break; } } } if (abs(ball.y) == 29) { ball.hit = true; break; } ball.y++; ball.x++; } while (!_kbhit()); if (ball.hit == false) { tecla = _getch(); Cbar.Borrar(bar); bar.x = Cbar.Mover(bar.x, tecla); Cbar.Mostrar(bar); } } while (ball.hit != true); gameover(); break; case 13: system("cls"); Marco(); gotoxy(49, 15); cout << "No"; getchar(); break; } } while (opc != 14); return 0; }
An almost complete breakout, the Atari game. The only thing that I need to add is files to save all the scores!

UPDATE: I made some changes but it works the same!

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