def is_prime(x):
if x < 2:
A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. (Boy, that's a mouthful.)
In other words, if you want to test if a number in a variable x is prime, then no other number should go into x evenly besides 1 and x. So 2 and 5 and 11 are all prime, but 4 and 18 and 21 are not.
If there is a number between 1 and x that goes in evenly, then x is not prime.
Function written using Python.
#python #prime #function
In other words, if you want to test if a number in a variable x is prime, then no other number should go into x evenly besides 1 and x. So 2 and 5 and 11 are all prime, but 4 and 18 and 21 are not.
If there is a number between 1 and x that goes in evenly, then x is not prime.
Function written using Python.
#python #prime #function
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