Client sessions control

// Create table with fields UserId, AllowedSessions (number of allowed sessions for user) // Add at the beginning of method AppComponent.handleStartupEvent() #define.SessionsAllowed(3) SysClientSessions clientSessions; ; select count(RecId) from clientSessions where clientSessions.UserId == curUserId() && clientSessions.Status == 1 && clientSessions.ClientType == 0; if (clientSessions.RecId > #SessionsAllowed) { box::stop(strfmt("%1 is only allwed %2 AX Client Sessions. AX Client will close now.", xUserInfo::find().name, #SessionsAllowed), "AX Client Sessions exceeded"); appl.globalCache().set(classstr(Info),identifierstr(Autologoff), true); info = new Info(); info.shutDown(true); }

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