Coffee addiction according to Justin

<?php //get time of day $time = date('H'); //convert time to integer settype($time , "integer"); //set Am or Pm variable $amPm = ''; //convert time from 24 hour to 12 hour time if ($time >= 1 && $time <= 12) { $amPm = 'am'; } elseif ($time >= 13 && $time <= 24) { $time -= 12; $amPm = 'pm'; } // Add am or pm to define morning or afternoon $timeOfDay = $time . $amPm; //randomly set number of cups of coffee $cupsOfCoffee = rand(0, 5); //set variable for alertness $alertness = ''; //set up switch for cups of coffee to states of alertness switch ($cupsOfCoffee) { case 0: $alertness = 'Zero cups of coffee?, I don\'t think you\'re actually awake.'; break; case 1: $alertness = 'One cup of coffee, that is anough to wake up but you might want to grab another one before you go out in public'; break; case 2: $alertness = 'Two cups of coffee, now you\'re ready to put some pants on'; break; case 3: $alertness = 'Three cups of coffee, finally enough caffeine to fully wake up'; break; case 4: $alertness = 'Four cups of coffee? you might want to ease up there you don\'t want to get too jittery'; break; case 5: $alertness = 'Five cups of coffee, you\'re vibrating so fast you look fuzzy.'; break; default: $alertness = 'An unknown amount of coffee.'; break; } //set number of coffee cups to zero if you should be sleeping if ($time <= 6 && $amPm == 'am') { $cupsOfCoffee = 0; } $message = ''; if ($time <= 6 && $amPm == 'am') { $message = "It's $timeOfDay, \n why on earth are you awake at such an unholy hour? \n"; } elseif ($time >= 7 && $time <= 11 && $amPm == 'am') { $message = "Good morning Justin it's $timeOfDay, \n you've had $alertness \n"; } elseif ($time >= 1 && $time <= 12 && $amPm == 'pm') { $message = "Good afternoon Justin it's $timeOfDay, \n you've had $alertness \n"; } else { $message = "Get to bed scallywag! it's $timeOfDay \n you probably shouldn't have had $alertness \n"; } echo $message; ?>
This is a suggested coffee intake snippet. Using if else statements, switch statements and logic operators.

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