######## @ INIT ###########
-Add console as allowed app
-Set public $cliEnabled to true
class ClassEXT extends ExtensionInit
// 'backend', 'customer', 'frontend', 'console', 'api'
public $allowedApps = array('backend', 'customer','console'); // TODO allowedApps
public $cliEnabled = true;
####### @ Console Behavior ######
-add console/component/behavior
-add hooks to add your function on cronjobs (list of cronjob below ### )
namespace ext_recurring_payments\console\components\behaviors;
defined('MW_PATH') || exit('No direct script access allowed');
class AppBehavior extends \CBehavior {
* Called when app is console
public function run() {
\Yii::app()->hooks->addAction('console_command_send_campaigns_after_process', array($this, 'FUNCTION_HERE'));
* This will automatically deactive customer once the Price Plan is Due
public function FUNCTION_HERE($command)
//your action here
########### List of cronjobs ###########
- open CMD
// for listing the cronjob commands
- type php "{{YOUR DIRECTORY}}\{{your site folder}}\apps\console\console.php"
(basically , find your console.php)
// for testing your function on cronjob use like this
// php <file location > <command>
php "F:\xampp\htdocs\{{site_fodler}}\apps\console\console.php" daily
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