Deal or No Deal Game [v1.0]

""" Deal or No Deal A Python script simulating the popular game show, Deal or No Deal. """ import random, sys # Global variables briefcaseStack = {} briefcaseAmount = [] expectedValueSmall = [] expectedValueBig = [] briefcaseNumber = 0 briefcaseValue = 0 briefcaseJackpot = 0 class DealNoDeal(object): def __init__(self): print(end='\n\n') print('*' * 30, end='\n\n') print(('Welcome to Deal or No Deal!').upper(), end='\n\n') print('*' * 30, end='\n\n') # Method that populates the briefcases with an random amount from 125 to 1,000,000 def generateBriefcaseContents(self): global briefcaseStack global briefcaseAmount global briefcaseValue global briefcaseJackpot # First delete the list contents from the previous game session to prevent stacking briefcaseStack.clear() briefcase = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] briefcaseContent = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 200000, 300000, 400000, 500000, 750000, 1000000] briefcaseAmount = sorted(briefcaseContent) # Randomly shuffles the briefcase list everytime the game is played random.shuffle(briefcaseContent) briefcaseStack = dict(zip(briefcase, briefcaseContent)) # Store the winning briefcase in a global variable for k, v in briefcaseStack.items(): if v == 1000000: briefcaseJackpot = k else: continue return briefcaseStack # Method that prompts player to select a briefcase def choosePlayerBriefcase(self, casesContent): global briefcaseNumber global briefcaseStack global briefcaseValue self.casesContent = casesContent while True: try: choice = int(input('Select your briefcase (1-26): ')) - 1 # Checking the inputted number is within the range of 26 briefcases if choice >= 0 and choice <= 25: print('You\'ve chosen briefcase no. {0}'.format(choice + 1), end='\n') print('Let\'s start the first round', end='\n') briefcaseNumber = choice + 1 briefcaseValue = briefcaseStack[briefcaseNumber] # Delete the chosen briefcase in the list of all the briefcases del briefcaseStack[briefcaseNumber] return briefcaseNumber else: print('ERROR! Out of range', end='\n\n') continue except ValueError: print('ERROR! Wrong input', end='\n\n') continue else: break # Method that counts the total number of briefcases remaining in each round def briefcaseCount(self): global briefcaseStack return len(briefcaseStack) # Method that simulates each round of the game. Accepts an integer representing the number of suitcases the player has to open for each round. def simulateRound(self, gameRound, openCase, selectedCase): global briefcaseStack global briefcaseNumber global briefcaseValue global briefcaseAmount self.gameRound = gameRound self.openCase = openCase self.selectedCase = selectedCase choice = 0 openPrompt = '' if self.gameRound == 10: print(end='\n') print('-' * 45, end='\n\n') print('Final Round: Let\'s open your briefcase', end='\n\n') print('-' * 45, end='\n\n') print('Amounts left: ', end='\n\n') for x in briefcaseAmount: print(x, end=' ') print(end='\n\n') # Prompt player to open his/her briefcase while not openPrompt == 'y' or openPrompt == 'n': openPrompt = input('Are you ready check out your briefcase (y/n)? ').lower() if openPrompt == 'y': if briefcaseValue == 1000000: print(end='\n\n') print('Congratulations! Your briefcase no. {0} has the jackpot prize of PHP {1}! Thanks for playing.'.format(briefcaseNumber, briefcaseValue), end='\n') else: print(end='\n') print('Congratulations! Your briefcase no. {0} has PHP {1}! Thanks for playing.'.format(briefcaseNumber, briefcaseValue), end='\n') else: continue else: print(end='\n') print('-' * 45, end='\n\n') print(('Round {0}: You have {1} suitcase/s to open'.format(self.gameRound, self.openCase)), end='\n\n') print('-' * 45, end='\n\n') while True: try: for y in range(openCase, 0, -1): print('Amounts left: ', end='\n\n') # Display a loop of amounts available for x in briefcaseAmount: print(x, end=' ') print(end='\n\n') # Display remaining briefcases print('Remaining briefcases:', end='\n\n') for k, v in briefcaseStack.items(): print(k, end=' ') print(end='\n\n') print('Cases to open for this round: {0}'.format(y), end='\n\n') choice = int(input('Select briefcase to open: ')) print('You\'ve chosen briefcase no. {0}'.format(choice), end='\n') print('Briefcase no. {0} contains PHP {1}'.format(choice, briefcaseStack.get(choice)), end='\n\n') print('+' * 45, end='\n\n') # Delete amount based from the selected briefcase in list for a in briefcaseAmount: if a == briefcaseStack.get(choice): briefcaseAmount.remove(a) # Delete the selected briefcase in the list del briefcaseStack[choice] except ValueError: print('ERROR! Wrong input', end='\n\n') continue else: break # Method that calculates the expected value of smaller amounts (maximum of 75,000) def expectedValueSmall(self): global briefcaseStack global expectedValueSmall for k, v in briefcaseStack.items(): if v < 75000: expectedValueSmall.append(v) result = int(sum(expectedValueSmall) / len(expectedValueSmall)) return result # Method that calculates the expected value of bigger amounts (starting from 100,000 to the maximum amount of 1,000,000) def expectedValueBig(self): global briefcaseStack global expectedValueBig for k, v in briefcaseStack.items(): if v > 75000: expectedValueBig.append(v) result = int(sum(expectedValueBig) / len(expectedValueBig)) return result # Method that calls the "banker" after each round. The "banker" will offer the player an initial amount which will convince the player to end the game and go home with the amount offered. If the player decides to continue playing, the game would continue and this method terminates. The algorithm for the calculation of the amount can be found here: def bankerOffer(self, caseCount, small, big): global briefcaseNumber global briefcaseValue global briefcaseJackpot self.caseCount = caseCount self.small = small self.big = big response = '' askPlayer = '' offer = 0 # If 20 briefcases are left unopened if self.caseCount == 19: bigValue = float(0.154 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.4 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.small)) # If 15 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 14: bigValue = float(0.216 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.35 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.small)) # If 11 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 10: bigValue = float(0.3003 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.43 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.small)) # If 8 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 7: bigValue = float(0.3536 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.36 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.small)) # If 6 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 5: bigValue = float(0.372 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.2 * (random.uniform(0.2, 0.35) * self.small)) # If 5 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 4: bigValue = float(0.5125 * (random.uniform(0.3, 0.45) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.25 * (random.uniform(0.3, 0.45) * self.small)) # If 4 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 3: bigValue = float(0.6732 * (random.uniform(0.4, 0.55) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.32 * (random.uniform(0.4, 0.55) * self.small)) # If 3 briefcases are left unopened elif self.caseCount == 2: bigValue = float(0.915 * (random.uniform(0.5, 0.65) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1.5 * (random.uniform(0.5, 0.65) * self.small)) # If 2 briefcases are left unopened else: bigValue = float(0.71 * (random.uniform(0.6, 0.75) * self.big)) smallValue = float(1 * (random.uniform(0.6, 0.75) * self.small)) # Calculate the banker's final offer offer = round(float(bigValue) + float(smallValue)) # Declare end of round print('End of Round.', end='\n\n') while not askPlayer == 'y' or askPlayer == 'n': askPlayer = input('Banker\'s offer received. Do you want to know how much did he offer (y/n)? ').lower() if askPlayer == 'y': print(end='\n') print('~' * 45, end='\n\n') print('Banker\'s initial offer is worth PHP {0}'.format(offer), end='\n\n') print('~' * 45, end='\n\n') # Prompt player whether to accept the banker's offer or continue playing while not response == 'y' or response == 'n': response = input('Accept banker\'s offer (y/n)? ').lower() if response == 'y': print(end='\n\n') print('#' * 45, end='\n\n') print(('Game Results: ').upper(), end='\n\n') print('Your chosen briefcase, no. {0} has an amount value of {1}'.format(briefcaseNumber, briefcaseValue), end='\n') print('The briefcase that contains the PHP {0} jackpot prize is inside no. {1}'.format("1,000,000", briefcaseJackpot), end='\n\n') print('#' * 45, end='\n\n') print('Congratulations! You go home with PHP {0}. Thanks for playing.'.format(offer), end='\n\n') sys.exit() else: return True else: continue # Method that prompts the player whether to play again to not. Returns True and repeats the game all over again if the player selects yes; Otherwise False and the entire program terminates immediately def replayGame(self): print(end='\n') return input('Do you want to play again (y/n)? ').lower().startswith('y') # Start program execution while True: # Merge game rounds and the number of briefcases remaining for each round gameRounds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] gameRoundCasesLeft = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] gameMechanics = dict(zip(gameRounds, gameRoundCasesLeft)) # Class Instantiation game = DealNoDeal() # The player chooses his/her briefcase game.choosePlayerBriefcase(game.generateBriefcaseContents()) # Simulate the game rounds in a loop for k, v in gameMechanics.items(): if k < 10: # Simulate each round game.simulateRound(k, v, briefcaseNumber) # Simulate banker's offer game.bankerOffer(game.briefcaseCount(), game.expectedValueSmall(), game.expectedValueBig()) else: game.simulateRound(k, v, briefcaseNumber) # Terminates game if not game.replayGame(): print(end='\n') break
Deal or No Deal

A Python script simulating the popular game show, Deal or No Deal.

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