Delphi: Register custom URI Scheme at Windows

unit RegURI; interface type TUriRecord = record Descrip: String; Protocol: String; // only letters or nombers .. no spaces .. Path: String; // complete path for application to be opened //when appuri:// is called Icon: string; // icon file or executable file with icon end; function RegisterAppURI(URIReg: TUriRecord): boolean; implementation uses Registry, windows, ShlObj, dialogs; function RegisterAppURI(URIReg: TUriRecord): boolean; const root = '\Software\Classes\'; var Reg : TRegistry; root: string; begin result := false; reg := TRegistry.Create; try try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if reg.Openkey(root + URIReg.Protocol, True) then begin reg.WriteString('', 'URL:'+URIReg.Descrip); reg.WriteString('URL Protocol', ''); if reg.Openkey(root + URIReg.Protocol + '\DefaultIcon', True) then reg.WriteString('', URIReg.Icon); if reg.Openkey(root + URIReg.Protocol + '\shell', True) and reg.Openkey(root + URIReg.Protocol + '\shell\open', True) and reg.Openkey(root + URIReg.Protocol + '\shell\open\command', True) then reg.WriteString('', '"'+URIReg.Path + '" "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" "%5" "%6" "%7" "%8" "%9"'); end; reg.CloseKey; reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if reg.Openkey('\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\' + URIReg.Protocol, True) then begin reg.WriteInteger('WarnOnOpen', 0); end; reg.CloseKey; //can cause problems… SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nil, nil); result := true; except showmessage('No se pudo realizar el registro.'#13'Asegurese de ejecutar la aplicación con permisos de Administrador'); result := false; end; finally; end; end; function UnRegisterAppURI(protocol: string): boolean; const root = '\Software\Classes\'; var Reg : TRegistry; begin result := false; reg := TRegistry.Create; try reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; result := reg.DeleteKey(root+protocol); reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; reg.DeleteKey('\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ProtocolExecute\' + Protocol); finally reg.Free; end; end;

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