Deserialze JSON from disc

/* The file does not exist: [ERROR LOG]: Could not find file 'D:\Foo.txt'. The file exists but contains malformed JSON “{'X': '10','Y': '20'}, '{“ [ERROR LOG]: Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: ,. Path '', line 1, position 21. The file exists and contains correctly formed JSON QUAXX: (20, 40) */ Quaxx ProcessQuaxx(Quaxx quaxx) => new Quaxx(quaxx.X * 2, quaxx.Y * 2); void Log(Exception error) => $"[ERROR LOG]: {error.Message}".Dump(); void DisplayQuaxx(Quaxx quaxx) => $"QUAXX: ({quaxx.X}, {quaxx.Y})".Dump(); Try<string> Read(string fileName) => () => File.ReadAllText(fileName); Try<Quaxx> DeserializeQuaxx(string s) => () => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Quaxx>(s); const string quaxxFile = @"D:\Foo.txt"; Read(quaxxFile).Bind(DeserializeQuaxx) .Run() .Map(ProcessQuaxx) .Match(exception: Log, success: DisplayQuaxx);

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