[Document] Available references for a document

[ { "approved_no": "TIR1-002", "id": 2, "type_name": "Tax Invoice", "type": 6, "product_list_divisible": false, }, { "approved_no": "TIR1-003", "id": 3, "type_name": "Tax Invoice", "type": 6, "product_list_divisible": false, }, { "approved_no": "TIR1-703", "id": 3, "type_name": "Tax Invoice (ABB)", "type": 7, "product_list_divisible": false, }, { "approved_no": "TIR1-706", "id": 6, "type_name": "Tax Invoice (ABB)", "type": 7, "product_list_divisible": false, }, ]
The Sample API Response
Module name: Available references for a document
Sample view: Response

** Request **
URL: "/api/sale-order/<id>/available-references/?type=<type_id>" where <id> is the ID of sale order and <type_id> is the document type to query.
Request Method: GET

1 Response

URL: api/sale-order/<id>/available-parent-documents/?type=<type-id>

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