Free invites for everyone

def fullStack?(student) backend = student[:knowsRuby] and student[:knowsSQL] frontend = student[:knowsHTML] and student[:knowsCSS] and student[:knowsJavaScript] backend and frontend end alice = { name: 'Alice', knowsRuby: true, knowsSQL: false, knowsHTML: true, knowsCSS: true, knowsJavaScript: true } bob = { name: 'Bob', knowsRuby: true, knowsSQL: true, knowsHTML: true, knowsCSS: true, knowsJavaScript: false } applicants = [alice, bob] recommendations = [] recommendation = '' applicants.each do |applicant| recommendation = 'Invite!' if fullStack?(applicant) puts "#{applicant[:name]}: #{recommendation}" end
This code prints:

Alice: Invite!
Bob: Invite!

Why are both invited, although none of them should be? And how can you fix the code?

2 Responses

Funny thing is that there are in fact two issues here.
Once you fix the first described here, modify alice hash entry with 'knowsSQL: true' so that Alice will be invited.
Run the code and it prints:
Alice: Invite!
Bob: Invite!

Funny thing is that there are in fact two issues here.
Once you fix the first described here, modify alice hash entry with 'knowsSQL: true' so that Alice will be invited.
Run the code and it prints:
Alice: Invite!
Bob: Invite!


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