From Heatmap to Original

from math import ceil image_size = 720 print("Input size: ", image_size) layers = [(3, 1, 'same'), (2, 2, 'valid'), (3, 1, 'same'), (2, 2, 'valid'), (10, 1, 'valid'), (1, 1, 'valid')] trans = [] for k, s, p in layers: if p == 'valid': image_out = ceil((image_size - (k - 1))/s) scale = ((image_size - k + 1)/image_out) top, bottom = (k-1)//2, k//2 else: image_out = ceil(image_size/s) scale = (image_size/image_out) top = bottom = 0 image_size = image_out trans.append((scale, top, bottom)) print("Output size:", image_size) print("Transformations: ", trans) for s, t, b in reversed(trans): image_size = image_size*s + t + b print("Input size recovered", int(image_size)) point = [1, 1] print("Point on heatmap: ", point) for s, t, b in reversed(trans): point[0] = point[0]*s + t point[1] = point[1]*s + t point[0] = int(point[0]) point[1] = int(point[1]) print("Point on original image: ", point)
Given an image dimension and the convolutional/pooling layers, the script computes the scales and padding for each convolutional/pooling layer. Then, given a point in the output image, it recovers the corresponding position in the original image.

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