Guessing Game

/** * Guess a number from 1 - 10 * * @author Sean Appaneal * @version v1.0 */ import java.util.*; public class guessingGame { public static void main(String args[]){ int randNum; //randomnumber //get random number randNum = (int)(Math.random() * ((10 - 1) + 1)) + 1; //guesses int guess1 = 0; int guess2 = 0; int guess3 = 0; //boolean for replaying after the game is over boolean play = true; while(play){ //scanner, and text asking for numbers Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("This is the one and only guessing game"); System.out.println("Please guess 3 numbers between 1 and 10"); guess1 = sc.nextInt(); if(guess1 > 10 || guess1 < 0){ //check to make sure guess is from 1 to 10 System.out.println("Please guess a number between 1 and 10"); guess1 = sc.nextInt(); } if(guess1 == randNum){ //check if guess is equal to random number System.out.println("You correctly guessed " + guess1 + " the random number was " +randNum); } //if statement for if guess1 is incorrect if(guess1 != randNum ){ System.out.println("Incorrect, please enter a second guess"); guess2 = sc.nextInt(); if(guess2 > 10 || guess2 < 0){ //check to make sure guess is from 1 to 10 System.out.println("Please guess a number between 1 and 10"); guess2 = sc.nextInt(); } if(guess2 == randNum){ //check if guess is equal to random number System.out.println("You correctly guessed " + guess2 + " the random number was " +randNum); } //if statement for if guess 1 and 2 are incorrect if(guess1 != randNum || guess2 != randNum){ System.out.println("Incorrect, please enter a third guess"); guess3 = sc.nextInt(); if(guess3 > 10 || guess3 < 0){ //check to make sure guess is from 1 to 10 System.out.println("Please guess a number between 1 and 10"); guess3 = sc.nextInt(); } if(guess3 == randNum){ //check if guess is equal to random number System.out.println("You correctly guessed " + guess3 + " the random number was " +randNum); } } } //print out the random number, and the user's guesses if(guess1 != randNum && guess2 != randNum && guess3 != randNum){ System.out.println( "You incorrectly guessed: " +guess1 + ", " + guess2 + ", and " + guess3); System.out.println( "The Random Number was: " + randNum + " , try again"); } //ask if they want to keep going or stop System.out.println("Press 1 to play again, press 2 to stop" ); int go = sc.nextInt(); if(go != 1){ play = false; //stop game }else{ //regenerate random number, if this line is removed it uses the same number over and over again randNum = (int)(Math.random() * ((10 - 1) + 1)) + 1; } }//end of while loop }//end of main }//end of class

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