How jQuery Works

// This code sample simply gives you a very basic concept of jQuery (and other JavaScript libraries). // From this you can learn about how to make the chainning methods, the CSS selectors etc. // There aren’t any HTML collection loop because here I use `document.querySelector()` and // not `document.querySelectorAll()` for selecting the DOM, so that the code snippet will be easier to learn. // **DEMO:** <> (function() { // the real constructor var _init = function(selector) { // `selector` → for `document.querySelector()` // prevent broken scope of the `_init`’s `this` keyword // by caching the `this` to a variable named as `base` var base = this; // `$('#foo').element` to get the `#foo` base.element = document.querySelector(selector); // `$('#foo').length` to get the `#foo` length in document base.length = base.element.length; // `$('#foo').html('<b>test</b>')` base.html = function(s) { base.element.innerHTML = s; return base; // make it chainable … }; // `$('#foo').css( ... )` base.css = function(prop, val) { // `$('#foo').css({'color': '#000'})` if (typeof prop === "object") { for (var i in prop) {[i] = prop[i]; } // `$('#foo').css('color', '#000')` } else {[prop] = val; } return base; // make it chainable … }; // etc … base.addClass = function(s) { base.element.classList.add(s); return base; }; base.removeClass = function(s) { base.element.classList.remove(s); return base; }; base.toggleClass = function(s) { base.element.classList.toggle(s); return base; }; }; // end constructor // create the magic `$(selector)` function window.$ = function(selector) { return new _init(selector); }; })(); // test the script! $('h1').html('Lorem ipsum <em>dolor</em> sit amet!').css({ 'color': 'red', 'background': 'yellow' }).css('border', '4px solid green');
This code sample simply gives you a very basic concept of jQuery (and other JavaScript libraries). From this you can learn about how to make the chainning methods, the CSS selectors etc. There aren’t any HTML collection loop because here I use `document.querySelector()` and not `document.querySelectorAll()` for selecting the DOM, so that the code snippet will be easier to learn.

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