/*An ATM allows a customer to withdraw a maximum of $500 per day.--- done If a customer withdraws more than $300, the service charge is 4% of the amount over $300. ---- done If the customer does not have sufficient money in the account,--- done the ATM informs the customer about the insufficient funds and gives the customer the option to withdraw the money for a service charge of $25.00. --- in prog If there is no money in the account or if the account balance is negative, the ATM does not allow the customer to withdraw any money.--- done If the amount to be withdrawn is greater than $500, the ATM informs the customer about the maximum amount that can be withdrawn. -- done Write an algorithm that allows the customer to enter the amount to be withdrawn. The algorithm then checks the total amount in the account, dispenses the money to the customer, and debits the account by the amount withdrawn and the service charges, if any.*/ #include <iostream> int main() { long double total = 500; long double withdrawl = 0; double charge = .04; while (total > 0) { std::cout << "Please enter an amount to withdraw from your balance of :$ " << total << std::endl; std::cin >> withdrawl; if (withdrawl > total) { std::cout << " Not enough money you have :$"<< total << std::endl; } else if (withdrawl > 300) { long double subtotal = (withdrawl + (withdrawl*charge)); total -= subtotal; std::cout << "There was a service charge of 4% and now you have : $" << total << " left. " << std::endl; } else if (withdrawl < 300) { std::cout << "You withdrew: " << withdrawl << std::endl; total -= withdrawl; std::cout << "and you have : $" << total << " left. \n"; } } system("pause>nul"); return 0; }

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