
var dbopenrequest ="todolist", 4); dbopenrequest.onsuccess = function(event){ note.innerhtml += '<li>database initialised</li>'; db = dbopenrequest.result; }; dbopenrequest.onupgradeened= function(event){ var db =; db.onerror = function(event){ note.innerhtml +='<li>error loading database</li>'; }; var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", {keypath:"tasktitle"}); objectstore.createindex("hours","hours", {unique:false}); objectstore.createindex("minutes","minutes",{unique:false}); objectstore.createindex("day","day",{unique:false}); objectstore.createindex("month","month",{unique:false}); objectstore.createindex("year","year",{unique:false}); objectstore.createindex("notified","notified",{unique:false}); note.innerhtml +='<li>object store created</li>'; }; var newitem =[ {tasktitle: "walk cat", hours:19, minutes:30, day:24, month:'december', year:2018, notified: "no"} ]; var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite");
The IDBObjectStore interface of the IndexedDB API represents an object store in a database. Records within an object store are sorted according to their keys. This sorting enables fast insertion, look-up, and ordered retrieval.

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