Introduction to Python, basic data structures and their assignments

# Hi, thanks for visiting, I would really appreciate if you could express your views in the comment section. I am learning Python, and hope I help you in your learning too. # assignment of data structures in python x=1 y=10.01 z='saket' print ('x=',x,'\ny=',y,'\nz=',z,'\n') a=b=c=1 print ('a=',a,'\nb=',b,'\nc=',c,'\n') a,b,c=1,10.59,'parab' print ('a=',a,'\nb=',b,'\nc=',c) del a #print (a); this will cause error a='This is world of Python!'; # string print (a,'\n'); print (a[0],'\n'); print (a[2:6],'\n'); print (a[2:],'\n'); print (a*3,'\n'); list=[1,2,'saket',90,'Python',45,721] # list print (list[0],'\n') print (list[1:3],'\n') print (list[2:],'\n') print (list*2,'\n') list[1]='parab' print (list[1],'\n') tuple=(1,2,3,4,5,'saket'); print (tuple[0],'\n') print (tuple[1:3],'\n') #tuple[1]=10; this will cause error as tuple cannot be changed print (oct(tuple[2])) dict={} # dictonary dict['apple']=3 dict['oranges']=9 dict['type']='fruits' dict[1]='batch 1' print (dict[1],'\n'); print (dict['type'],'\n'); print (dict.keys()) print (dict.values())
This snippet helps you to write your first python program along with basic introduction to the data structures. You will know how to initialize various variables and access them. Cheers!

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