jQuery Plugin: Scaled Font

(function($){ $.fn.scaledFont = function(options) { var validate = { prefix : '0.0', // ensures that everything is scaled by hundredths of a percent scalar : 5 // default scale ratio }; var settings = $.extend({ container : this[0].parentNode, scale : validate.scalar, // default is 5 get multiplier() { return validate.prefix + this.scale; // returns 0.05 } }, options); return this.css({ fontSize : parseInt(settings.container.clientWidth * settings.multiplier)+'px' }); }; })(jQuery);
A very simple snippet (and my first authored plugin!) that I use all the time to keep my font responsive across all devices. Simply target the element with the font you want autoscaled, determine the scale ratio (e.g. 1-9999999999) and choose the element container to reference. By default the plugin will reference the target element's parent. TIP: Assigning IDs and classes to your elements makes this plugin VERY useful!

Example: $("h3").scaledFont();
Options: container, scale

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