JS cookie set,get

function setCookie(name,value,days) { var expires; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; }

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