Kod CSS untuk Warna Button

.button, .button:visited { display: inline-block; *display: inline; *zoom:1; padding: 15px 15px; font-size: 21px; margin-bottom: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 4; -moz-border-radius: 4; border-radius: 4px; } .button.medium { font-size: 25px; } .button.large { font-size: 35px; } .button.sun-flower, .button.sun-flower:visited { background: #F1C40F; color:#FFF; } .button.sun-flower:hover, .button.sun-flower:active { background: #E2B607; color:#FFF; } .button.orange, .button.orange:visited { background: #F39C12; color:#FFF; } .button.orange:hover, .button.orange:active { background: #E8930C; color:#FFF; } .button.carrot, .button.carrot:visited { background: #E67E22; color:#FFF; } .button.carrot:hover, .button.carrot:active { background: #DA751C; color:#FFF; } .button.pumpkin, .button.pumpkin:visited { background: #D35400; color:#FFF; } .button.pumpkin:hover, .button.pumpkin:active { background: #C54E00; color:#FFF; } .button.alizarin, .button.alizarin:visited { background: #E74C3C; color:#FFF; } .button.alizarin:hover, .button.alizarin:active { background: #DB4334; color:#FFF; } .button.pomegranate, .button.pomegranate:visited { background: #C0392B; color:#FFF; } .button.pomegranate:hover, .button.pomegranate:active { background: #B53224; color:#FFF; } .button.turquoise, .button.turquoise:visited { background: #1ABC9C; color:#FFF; } .button.turquoise:hover, .button.turquoise:active { background: #12AB8D; color:#FFF; } .button.green-sea, .button.green-sea:visited { background: #16A085; color:#FFF; } .button.green-sea:hover, .button.green-sea:active { background: #14947B; color:#FFF; } .button.emerald, .button.emerald:visited { background: #2ECC71; color:#FFF; } .button.emerald:hover, .button.emerald:active { background: #28BE68; color:#FFF; } .button.nephritis, .button.nephritis:visited { background: #27AE60; color:#FFF; } .button.nephritis:hover, .button.nephritis:active { background: #219D55; color:#FFF; } .button.river, .button.river:visited { background: #3498DB; color:#FFF; } .button.river:hover, .button.river:active { background: #2A8BCC; color:#FFF; } .button.ocean, .button.ocean:visited { background: #2980B9; color:#FFF; } .button.ocean:hover, .button.ocean:active { background: #2475AB; color:#FFF; } .button.amethyst, .button.amethyst:visited { background: #9B59B6; color:#FFF; } .button.amethyst:hover, .button.amethyst:active { background: #8D4CA7; color:#FFF; } .button.wisteria, .button.wisteria:visited { background: #8E44AD; color:#FFF; } .button.wisteria:hover, .button.wisteria:active { background: #80399D; color:#FFF; } .button.wet-asphalt, .button.wet-asphalt:visited { background: #34495E; color:#FFF; } .button.wet-asphalt:hover, .button.wet-asphalt:active { background: #263849; color:#FFF; } .button.midnight-blue, .button.midnight-blue:visited { background: #2C3E50; color:#FFF; } .button.midnight-blue:hover, .button.midnight-blue:active { background: #22303F; color:#FFF; } .button.silver, .button.silver:visited { background: #BDC3C7; color:#FFF; } .button.silver:hover, .button.silver:active { background: #ACB2B7; color:#FFF; } .button.concrete, .button.concrete:visited { background: #7F8C8D; color:#FFF; } .button.concrete:hover, .button.concrete:active { background: #6D7B7C; color:#FFF; } .button.graphite, .button.graphite:visited { background: #454545; color:#FFF; } .button.graphite:hover, .button.graphite:active { background: #363535; color:#FFF; }
Kod CSS untuk warna button.
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