# This file is the master controller for a series of scripts used to install services required for the service.
# Set up our command aliases
source ./sh/_alias.sh
# Print commands and their arguments as they are executed (-x), DO NOT Print shell input lines as they are read (+v)
set -x +v
# Indicate to the installer that we want noninteractive executions
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# This allows the script to be found and executed from anywhere and find the sub directories it needs for where the commands are placed.
DIR=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)
cd ${DIR}
# Install required services
# Insure these are executable
_chmod +x sh/install_apache.sh
_chmod +x sh/install_php55.sh
_chmod +x sh/install_mysql.sh
# Execute these
_sh sh/install_apache.sh
_sh sh/install_php55.sh
_sh sh/install_mysql.sh
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