Linux: Open ssh port access using a combination... (knocking technique)

# # first you must stablish iptables rule for keeping port 22 closed # and ports to use as combination. I used 3030, 55050 and 7070 (is very important # to use unsorted ports) # # #-- rules to keep open combination ports: # sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT # # #-- rules to keep ssh port (22) closed: # sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j DROP # # #-- then we save iptables # sudo iptables-save # # #-- if you want to know how to make this rules "persistent" search info on google about # iptables-persistent package or look at this url # # # # it helped me. # # debian and derived distros... install knockd: sudo apt-get install knockd # we edit /etc/default/knockd: (knockd confif file) sudo nano /etc/default/knockd # and set: START_KNOCKD=0 # to START_KNOCKD=1 # let's create our ports sequence: let's say 3030,55050,7070 = open, and 7070,55050,3030 = close. # for this we edit /etc/knockd.conf: sudo nano /etc/knockd.conf: [options] UseSyslog [openSSH] sequence = 3030,55050,7070 seq_timeout = 1 # add our input access to iptables command = /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP tcpflags = syn [closeSSH] sequence = 7070,55050,3030 seq_timeout = 1 # delete our input access to iptables command = /sbin/iptables -D INPUT -s %IP% -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP tcpflags = syn # we start service: sudo /etc/init.d/knockd start # That's all, we're done. # .. and now... How can I open my host's ssh port (22) from remote location? # ... just like this (using nmap): # OPEN: nmap -sT -p3030,55050,7070 <ipaddress> # you'll this output at syslog (example with # knockd: openSSH: Stage 1 # knockd: openSSH: Stage 2 # knockd: openSSH: Stage 3 # knockd: openSSH: OPEN SESAME # knockd: openSSH: running command: /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s # and then we CLOSE it: nmap -sT -p7070,55050,3030 <ipaddress> # you'll this output at syslog (example with # knockd: openSSH: Stage 1 # knockd: closeSSH: Stage 2 # knockd: closeSSH: Stage 3 # knockd: closeSSH: OPEN SESAME # knockd: closeSSH: running command: /sbin/iptables -D INPUT -s
This is a technique called "knocking" (knock knock) to open ssh port only when we need it in a secure way, just as if it was a "safe box" (using a combination of access to specific ports and specific order).

It's very secure because only opens access to the ip address which get connected and give correct combination order.

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