macOS Tap2Click

display dialog "Select action to perform. Enabling or disabling Tap two click will take effect on the login screen only." buttons {"Enable Tap to click", "Disable Tap to click", "Cancel"} with title "Tap2Click" if the button returned of the result is "Enable Tap to click" then try do shell script "sudo defaults write Clicking -bool true" with administrator privileges do shell script "sudo defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 1" with administrator privileges do shell script "sudo defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 1" end try display dialog "Tap to click has been enabled successfully. " buttons {"Log Out", "Later"} with title "Tap2Click" default button 2 if the button returned of the result is "Log Out" then tell application "System Events" log out end tell end if else try do shell script "sudo defaults write Clicking -bool false" with administrator privileges do shell script "sudo defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 0" with administrator privileges do shell script "sudo defaults write NSGlobalDomain -int 0" end try display dialog "Tap to click has been disabled successfully. Do you wish to Log Out now to test the current settings?" buttons {"Log Out", "Later"} with title "Tap2Click" default button 2 if the button returned of the result is "Log Out" then tell application "System Events" log out end tell end if end if
Have you noticed that every time you power on your Mac you can’t tap to click on top of your user account photo on your login screen? This little script helps solve that very same problem by enabling the tap two click option instead of pressing to click.

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