Make a tree object from an element

(function () { UIUtility = { toTreeObject: function(element) { var jsTree = { _: element, _children : [] }; var indexIndicator = {}; for (var index in element.childNodes) { var node = element.childNodes[index]; if(node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var key = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if(indexIndicator[key]) { indexIndicator[key]++; jsTree[key + '_' + indexIndicator[key]] = UIUtility.toTreeObject(node); } else { indexIndicator[key] = 1; jsTree[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] = UIUtility.toTreeObject(node); } jsTree._children.push(node); } } return jsTree; } }; })();
See the example at:

UIUtility.toTreeObject creates a tree object from the passed element and its children so access them easily

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