Pluggable PHP Static Class

<?php abstract class Plugger { // Method(s) ... public static $_ = []; // Show the added method(s) public static function kin($kin = null, $fail = false, $origin = false) { $c = static::class; if ($kin !== null) { if (!isset(self::$_[0][$c][$kin])) { $output = self::$_[1][$c][$kin] ?? $fail; return $origin && method_exists($c, $kin) ? 1 : $output; } return $fail; } return !empty(self::$_[1][$c]) ? self::$_[1][$c] : $fail; } // Add new method with `Plugger::plug('foo')` public static function plug($kin, $fn) { self::$_[1][static::class][$kin] = $fn; } // Remove the added method with `Plugger::unplug('foo')` public static function unplug($kin) { if ($kin === true) { self::$_ = []; } else { $c = static::class; self::$_[0][$c][$kin] = 1; unset(self::$_[1][$c][$kin]); } } // Call the added method with `Plugger::foo()` public static function __callStatic($kin, $lot) { $c = static::class; if (!isset(self::$_[1][$c][$kin])) { exit('Method <code>' . $c . '::' . $kin . '()</code> does not exist.'); } return call_user_func_array(self::$_[1][$c][$kin], $lot); } } /* USAGE ----- class MyClass extends Plugger { public static function testNativeMethod() { return __METHOD__; } } // add new method MyClass::plug('testDynamicMethod', function() { return 'hello world!'; }); // test echo echo MyClass::testNativeMethod(); echo MyClass::testDynamicMethod(); */

2 Responses

For backward compatibility, you can replace that `[]` array syntax with `array()` and `static::class` with `get_called_class()` and `$foo = $bar ?? $baz` with `$foo = isset($bar) ? $bar : $baz`

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