"id": 1,
"revision_display": "A",
"revision": -1,
"sub_revision": 1,
"user_editable": true,
"revision_editable": true,
"status": 1,
"status_name": "Pending Approval",
"approval_status": 1,
"approval_status_name": "Partially Approved",
"approval_flow": [{
"approver": 2,
"approved_date": "2017-10-05T10:21:32Z",
"role": 1
}, {
"approver": 3,
"approved_date": "2017-10-05T10:21:32Z",
"role": 1
}, /* ... */ ],
"preparer": 1,
"preparer_name": "Pawarit Saengpreecharutn",
"owner": 1,
"owner_name": "Pawarit Saengpreecharutn",
"assistant": null,
"assistant_name": "-",
"numbering_code": 2,
"reserved_no": "PVR0139284382829", // NOTE: Changed from `no`
"approved_no": "PVR0139284382829", // ADDED
// "no": "SRR1COM01-0014", // NOTE: Changed to `reserved_no`
"company": 1,
"company_name": "Bizinterprise Co.,Ltd.",
"company_address": "79/182 Life@Ratchadapisek Huaykwang Huaykwang Bangkok 10310",
"company_tax_id": "1234567890123",
"date": "2017-09-30", // NOTE: ISO8601 Date
"date_display": "30 September 2017", // NOTE: Changed the attr name from "date_long". Localized date format, could be Thai or English
"sensitivity_level": 1, // SEE ALSO: Sensitivity level number meaning
"sensitivity_level_name": "Confidential",
"external_ref_no": "SR0139284382829",
"warehouse": 1,
"warehouse_name": "Main warehouse",
"ref_document_type": 31, // NOTE: Change from string to content_type enum, OLD NAME: ref_document_type
"ref_document_id": 1, // NOTE: Change from string to PK, OLD NAME: reference_document_id, ref_document_id
"ref_document_no": "SRR1COM01-0015", // ADDED
"document_type": 1, // NOTE: Changed the attr name from "document_type"
"document_type_name": "Sale Order", // NOTE: Changed the attr name from "document_type_name"
"document_products": [ // NOTE: Changed the attr name from "items"
{ // NOTE: Changed the whole structure
"id": 1,
"quantity": 5,
"amount": "55.55",
"order_product": {
"id": 1,
"product": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Oreo",
"uom": "ชิ้น"
"pricing_type": 1,
"pricing_type_name": "A",
"quantity": "9.00",
"tax": "7.00",
"unit_price": "100.00",
"unit_discount": "10.00",
"unit_discount_display_type": "percent",
"amount": "100.00",
"required_date": "2018-03-01",
"storage_bin": 1,
"storage_bin_name": "SB038392473",
"discount": 123.00, // ADDED
"sub_total": 1234.00, // ADDED
"tax": 12.00, // ADDED
"grand_total": 1234.00, // ADDED
"grand_total_in_words": "One thousand two hundred and thirty four baht",
"rounding_changes_type": "precise" // ADDED, NOTE: It could be 'precise', 'round', 'up' (AKA rounded up) and 'down' (AKA round down).
The Sample API Result
Module name: Product Issuing
Sample view: List view
Module name: Product Issuing
Sample view: List view
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