QV - Condicional

SET vMonth=01; SET vYYYYMM=201901; SET vNEW=0; //READ OLD DATA: 0 // DOWNLOAD NEW MONTH DATA: 1 IB_Table: LOAD Customer, [Customer (Loc)] as Site, [S/N], Printer, Country, Comments, [Price Conditions], [Installation date], if(isnull(StartDate)=0,StartDate,201501) as StartDate, if(isnull(EndDate)=0,EndDate,$(vYear)&if($(vMonth)<10,0)&$(vMonth)) as EndDate, SubCustomer FROM
Aplica la funcion insull a la columna Stardate.
Si el resultado de la funcion es 0 (no es null) deja el valor.
si el resultado de la funcion es 1 (es null) escribe el valor "201501"

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