Registration Form

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Qual?", "field_type": "", "field_name": null }, "checked": null } ] }, { "QUESTION": "De quantas p\u00e1ginas novas precisa?", "OPTIONAL": "", "OPTIONAL_FLAG": "", "REQUIRE": 1, "QID": "6676", "TYPE": "enumeration", "ANSWERS": [ { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35631", "value": "35631", "label": "1 - 5 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35632", "value": "35632", "label": "6 - 10 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35633", "value": "35633", "label": "11 - 20 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35634", "value": "35634", "label": "21 - 30 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35635", "value": "35635", "label": "31 - 40 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35636", "value": "35636", "label": "41 - 50 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35637", "value": "35637", "label": "Mais de 50 p\u00e1ginas", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[6676][]", "id": "answer35638", "value": "35638", "label": "N\u00e3o preciso de p\u00e1ginas novas", "checked": null } ] }, { "QUESTION": "Qual plataforma est\u00e1 a usar?", "OPTIONAL": "", "OPTIONAL_FLAG": "", "REQUIRE": 1, "QID": "6678", "TYPE": "enumeration", "ANSWERS": [ { "type": "checkbox", "name": "answers[6678][]", "id": "answer35616", "value": "35616", "label": "Solu\u00e7\u00e3o personalizada", "checked": null }, { "type": "checkbox", "name": "answers[6678][]", "id": "answer35617", "value": "35617", "label": "WordPress", "checked": null }, { "type": "checkbox", "name": "answers[6678][]", "id": "answer35618", "value": "35618", "label": "Squarespace", "checked": null }, { "type": "checkbox", "name": "answers[6678][]", "id": "answer35619", "value": "35619", "label": "Weebly", "checked": null }, { "type": "checkbox", "name": "answers[6678][]", "id": "answer35620", "value": "35620", "label": "N\u00e3o tenho a certeza", "checked": null } ] }, { "QUESTION": "Qual \u00e9 o seu or\u00e7amento estimado?", "OPTIONAL": "", "OPTIONAL_FLAG": "", "REQUIRE": 1, "QID": "220", "TYPE": "enumeration", "ANSWERS": [ { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[220][]", "id": "answer35626", "value": "35626", "label": "Mais de \u20ac1.000", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[220][]", "id": "answer35627", "value": "35627", "label": "\u20ac500 - \u20ac1,000", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[220][]", "id": "answer35628", "value": "35628", "label": "\u20ac200 - \u20ac500", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[220][]", "id": "answer35629", "value": "35629", "label": "Abaixo de \u20ac200", "checked": null }, { "type": "radio", "name": "answers[220][]", "id": "answer35630", "value": "35630", "label": "Ainda n\u00e3o tenho certeza", "checked": null } ] } , { "QUESTION": "Por favor, descreva as suas necessidades com mais detalhe.", "OPTIONAL": "", "OPTIONAL_FLAG": "", "REQUIRE": 1, "QID": "6684", "TYPE": "text", "ANSWERS": [ { "field": "textarea", "field_key": "answers[6684]", "no_label": false, "selected": null, "placeholder": "Descreva aqui as suas necessidades com mais detalhe. ", "field_type": "", "field_name": null } ] }, { "QUESTION": "Tem mais alguma informa\u00e7\u00e3o importante para os Web Designers\/Developers?<br \/>", "OPTIONAL": "", "OPTIONAL_FLAG": "", "REQUIRE": 1, "TYPE": "enumeration", "QID": "anything_else", "ANSWERS": [ { "type": "radio", "name": "additional_info", "id": "additional_info_yes", "label": "Sim", "value": 1, "checked": null, "related": { "field": "textarea", "field_key": "additional_info_text", "no_label": true, "selected": true, "placeholder": "Diga-nos mais detalhes sobre o seu projeto. Assim, os Profissionais ter\u00e3o mais interesse em contact\u00e1-lo e realizar o servi\u00e7o. ", "field_type": "", "field_name": null }, "show_related_by_default": false }, { "type": "radio", "name": "additional_info", "id": "additional_info_no", "label": "N\u00e3o", "value": 0, "checked": true } ] }, { "QUESTION": "Por favor, indique os seus contactos para receber propostas.", "OPTIONAL": "", "OPTIONAL_FLAG": "", "REQUIRE": 1, "TYPE": "receive_quotes", "QID": "receive_quotes", "ANSWERS": [ { "field": "textfield", "field_key": "email_address", "no_label": "Email v\u00e1lido:", "selected": "", "placeholder": "Email", "field_type": "email", "field_name": null }, { "field": "textfield", "field_key": "phone_number", "no_label": "N\u00ba Telem\u00f3vel v\u00e1lido:", "selected": "", "placeholder": "ex. 961234567", "field_type": "tel", "field_name": null }, { "field": "textfield", "field_key": "fullname", "no_label": false, "selected": "JAYENDRA B", "placeholder": "Primeiro e \u00faltimo nome", "field_type": "", "field_name": null } ] } ]; }); </script> </body> </html>

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