SCSS media query mixin

$mq-breakpoints: ( mobile: 320px, tablet: 740px, desktop: 980px, wide: 1300px ) !default; @mixin mq($from) { $media-query: ''; $min-width: 0; @if type-of($from) == number { $min-width: px2em($from); } @else { $min-width: px2em(map-get($mq-breakpoints, $from)); } @if $min-width != 0 { $media-query: '#{$media-query} and (min-width: #{$min-width})'; } $media-query: str-slice(unquote($media-query), 6); @media #{$media-query} { @content; } } /* Usage: .foo { color: red; @include mq(tablet) { color: green; } @include mq(desktop) { color: orange; } @include mq(wide) { color: yellow; } } */

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