"iDisplayLength": 25, 50, 100 //Used to determine the amount of items on one page
"dom": '<"top"fp<"clear">>rt<"bottom"lip<"clear">>' //Used to re-organize how the datatable's layout
"aaSorting": [5, 'asc'], //Used to set initial sort column. This table would be sorted ascending by the 6th column since the counting starts at 0
language: { //Changes the placeholder inside the search bar
searchPlaceholder: "(Enter what you want to be displayed in search bar)"
"columnDefs": [
"className": "col-center", //adds col-center class to the column making the column centered
"targets": 0, //determines which column is affected by this
orderable: false //makes it so this column is not sortable asc or desc
"targets": 0,
"data": "Test", //Used to make the first column a picture with a link to the edit form. Link is put inside each row using the GenerateTableFromJson function.
"render": function (Test, type, full) {
return "<a href='" + Test + "'>" + "<img border='0' height='22px' src='https://ksn2.faa.gov/apl/international/Reporting/PublishingImages/xsn_icon.JPG' alt='Edit'/>" + "</a>";
"targets": 13,
"render": $.fn.dataTable.render.ellipsis(200) //Truncates the specifed row and the specified number which right now is 150. So if you want longer ones just increase the bigger number
//NEED TO IMPORT ELLIPSIS.JS for this to work
General Help with DataTables Styles
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