- Simple Captcha/Random Code Generator
- by Uunknownn
- See working at https://jsfiddle.net/uo5s12hf/
var generateCaptcha = (function(){
// Allowed alpha/numeric characters
var n = "0123456789";
// Captcha length
var cap_size = 5;
// Generate a random number from 0 to X
var rand = function(x){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * x);
// Build the captcha
var captcha = "";
while (cap_size--) {
// if 0 add a random alphabetic character
if (rand(2) === 0) captcha += a[rand(a.length)];
// if 1 add a random numeric character
else captcha += n[rand(n.length)];
// Return the captcha when it's done
return captcha;
// Print on screen
document.body.innerHTML = generateCaptcha;
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