Smartlist type 3 mod for Newspaper Theme.

<?php class td_smart_list_3 extends td_smart_list { //holds the unique id of current smart list slide private $smart_list_tip_3_unique_id; //holds the code for the slide controls (Prev and Next) private $slide_controls; private $nr_slide_on_smart_list = 0; protected function render_before_list_wrap() { $buffy = ''; if(td_global::$cur_single_template_sidebar_pos == 'no_sidebar') { $td_class_nr_of_columns = ' td-3-columns '; } else { $td_class_nr_of_columns = ' td-2-columns '; } //the controls $this->slide_controls = '<a class="td-left-smart-list doubleSliderPrevButton" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class = "td-icon-left"></i>' . __td('Prev', TD_THEME_NAME). '</a><a class="td-right-smart-list doubleSliderNextButton" href="#" onclick="return false;">' . __td('Next', TD_THEME_NAME). '<i class = "td-icon-right"></i></a>'; //generate unique gallery slider id $this->smart_list_tip_3_unique_id = 'smart_list_tip3_' . td_global::td_generate_unique_id(); //wrapper with id for smart list wrapper type 3 $buffy .= '<div class="td_smart_list_3 ' . $td_class_nr_of_columns . '">'; //top controls $buffy .= '<div class="td-controls">' . $this->slide_controls . '</div>'; //beginning of the slider $buffy .= '<div class="td-iosSlider td-smart-list-slider" id="' . $this->smart_list_tip_3_unique_id. '">'; $buffy .= '<div class = "td-slider">'; return $buffy; } protected function render_list_item($item_array, $current_item_id, $current_item_number, $total_items_number) { $buffy = ''; //get the title $smart_list_3_title = ''; if(!empty($item_array['title'])) { $smart_list_3_title = $item_array['title']; } //creating each slide $buffy .= '<div class="td-item" id="' . $this->smart_list_tip_3_unique_id . '_item_' . $current_item_id . '">'; $buffy .= '<div class="td-number-and-title"><h2><span class="td-sml-current-item-nr">' . $current_item_number. '</span><span class="td-sml-current-item-title">' . $smart_list_3_title . '</span></h2></div>'; //get image info $first_img_all_info = td_util::attachment_get_full_info($item_array['first_img_id']); //get image link target $first_img_link_target = $item_array['first_img_link_target']; //image caption $first_img_caption = $item_array['first_img_caption']; $first_img_info = wp_get_attachment_image_src($item_array['first_img_id'], 'medium'); //image and caption $buffy_image = ''; if (!empty($first_img_info[0])) { // class used by magnific popup $smart_list_lightbox = " td-lightbox-enabled"; // if a custom link is set use it if (!empty($item_array['first_img_link']) && $first_img_all_info['src'] != $item_array['first_img_link']) { $first_img_all_info['src'] = $item_array['first_img_link']; // remove the magnific popup class for custom links $smart_list_lightbox = ""; } $buffy_image = ' <figure class="td-sml3-display-image td-slide-smart-list-figure' . $smart_list_lightbox . '"> <a class="td-sml-link-to-image" href="' . $first_img_all_info['src'] . '" id="td-sml3-slide_' . $this->nr_slide_on_smart_list . '" data-caption="' . esc_attr($first_img_caption, ENT_QUOTES) . '" ' . $first_img_link_target . ' > <img src="' . $first_img_info[0] . '"/> </a> <figcaption class="td-sml-caption"><div>' . $first_img_caption . '</div></figcaption> </figure>'; } if(!empty($item_array['description'])) { $buffy .= '<div class="td-sml-description">' . $buffy_image . $item_array['description'] . '</div>'; } $buffy .= '</div>'; $this->nr_slide_on_smart_list++; return $buffy; } protected function render_after_list_wrap() { $buffy = ''; $buffy .= '</div>'; $buffy .= '</div>'; // end ios slider //$buffy .= '<div class="td-sml3-bottom-controls">' . $this->slide_controls . '</div>';//bottom controls $buffy .= '<div class="td-sml3-bottom-controls" style="height:45px;"> ' . $this->slide_controls . '</div>';//bottom controls $buffy .= '</div>'; //.td_smart_list_3 wrapper with id // @todo fix the moving from left to right from the controls, now the slide only works from right to left, td_js_buffer::add_to_footer(' jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#' . $this->smart_list_tip_3_unique_id . '").iosSlider({ snapToChildren: true, desktopClickDrag: true, keyboardControls: false, infiniteSlider: true, navPrevSelector: jQuery(".td_smart_list_3 .doubleSliderPrevButton"), navNextSelector: jQuery(".td_smart_list_3 .doubleSliderNextButton"), startAtSlide:td_history.get_current_page("slide"), onSliderLoaded : td_resize_smartlist_slides, onSliderResize : td_resize_smartlist_sliders_and_update, onSlideChange : td_resize_smartlist_slides, onSlideComplete : td_history.slide_changed_callback }); // add current page history td_history.replace_history_entry({current_slide:td_history.get_current_page("slide"), slide_id:"' . $this->smart_list_tip_3_unique_id . '"}); }); '); return $buffy; } }
Modification to Smartlist type 3 of the Wordpress Newspaper Theme:

Modification of the bottom navigation bar, below the smartlist, on line 117 to make it actually work. So the smartlist now has both top and bottom navigation. The original, non-working code can be found on line 116 (marked out).

File: /wp-content/themes/Newspaper/includes/smart-lists/td_smart_list_3.php

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