Sublime Text 3 keymap

[ // Reference commands for sublime like emacs // // Core commands { "keys": ["ctrl+h", "ctrl+m"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" }, // Emacs commands { "keys": ["ctrl+/"], "command": "undo" }, { "keys": ["alt+j"], "command": "new_window" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+x", "p"], "command": "select_all" }, { "keys": ["alt+x"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "command_palette"} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+c", "ctrl+r"], "command": "move_to_neighboring_group", "args": {"forward": false} }, { "keys": ["ctrl+c", "ctrl+l"], "command": "move_to_neighboring_group" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+d"], "command": "find_under_expand" }, // { "keys": ["ctrl+d"], "command": "delete_char", "args": { "forward": true, "sub_words": false } }, { "keys": ["ctrl+d"], "command": "right_delete" }, // Advanced new file commands { "keys": ["ctrl+x", "ctrl+n"], "command": "advanced_new_file_new" }, // Emmet commands { "keys": [ "ctrl+x", "ctrl+j" ], "args": { "action": "expand_abbreviation" }, "command": "run_emmet_action", "context": [ { "key": "emmet_action_enabled.expand_abbreviation" } ] }, { "keys": ["ctrl+c", "ctrl+j", "ctrl+h"], "command": "jshint" }, // Paragraph movemenet ['Move by paragrah' required] { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+p"], "args": { "forward": false }, "command": "move_by_paragraph" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+n"], "args": { "forward": true }, "command": "move_by_paragraph" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "hardeol", "extend": false } }, { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+w"], "command": "sbp_kill_region"}, // Alignment ['Alignment' required] { "keys": ["ctrl+w"], "command": "sbp_kill_region"}, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+p"], "command": "prompt_select_workspace" }, // SublimeLinter // BracketHighlighter // PlainTasks // SidebarEnhancements // ColorHihglighter // ColorPicker // SublimeCodeIntel ]
Sublime text 3 configuration

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