Sublime Text 3 user preferences

{ "always_show_minimap_viewport": false, "caret_extra_bottom": 0, "caret_extra_top": 0, "caret_extra_width": 0, "caret_style": "phase", "color_scheme": "Packages/FireCode Color Scheme/FireCode.tmTheme", "draw_minimap_border": false, "font_size": 13, "highlight_line": true, "ignored_packages": [ "Vintage" ], "line_padding_bottom": 1, "line_padding_top": 1, "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", "theme": "Seti_orig.sublime-theme", // Set to true to insert spaces when tab is pressed "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "word_wrap": false, "rulers": [80, 120], }
Sublime text 3 configuration

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