Update Drupal core from command line

#!/bin/bash if ! [[ -d drupal_new ]] ; then mkdir drupal_new && cd drupal_new else cd drupal_new fi #wget $(wget -O- -q https://updates.drupal.org/release-history/drupal/7.x | grep -oPm1 "(?<=<download_link>)[^<]+") && tar -zxf drupal*.tar.gz --exclude=sites && rm -r drupal*.tar.gz && cd ../ wget $(wget -O- -q https://updates.drupal.org/release-history/drupal/7.x | grep -oPm1 "(?<=<download_link>)[^<]+" | sort -V | grep -v 'dev' | tail -1) && tar -zxf drupal*.tar.gz --exclude=sites && rm -r drupal*.tar.gz && cd ../ read -p "Enter a Drupal-site folder name: " sitename if [[ -d $sitename ]] ; then echo "The directory $sitename exists" echo "" echo "Creating $sitename backup in drupal_new folder" echo "**********************************************" cp -aRp "$sitename" drupal_new && tar -cf - -C "$sitename" . | gzip -c > drupal_new/"$sitename".tar.gz echo "Backup "$sitename" created, see $sitename.tar.gz file" else echo "The directory $sitename does not exist. Try again..." rm -rf drupal_new/drupal* && exit 0 fi echo "" echo "Comparing $sitename with original" echo "*********************************" diff -ur '--exclude=sites' drupal_new/drupal* "$sitename" > drupal_new/compare-"$sitename"-`date +%F`.diff echo "See result in compare-$sitename.diff file" echo "" echo "Updating $sitename core" echo "***********************" cp -Rf drupal_new/drupal*/* "$sitename" && rm -rf drupal_new/drupal* && rm -rf drupal_new/"$sitename" echo "Update '$sitename is completed. Now run update.php script from your browser" # Document Root (see web-server *.conf file), may be /var/www or /var/www/html, or /htdocs # - site1 # - site2 # - ... etc. ... # - drupal_update.sh # "site1", "site2" its "a Drupal-site folder name"
Update Drupal core from command line.
Save it as drupal_update.sh, place in Document Root folder and run it.
Known shortcomings:
1. In name of site directory shouldn't be named "drupal".
2. On dedicated servers it may require superuser privileges.

Before use, be sure to test!

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I change wget command

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