Username Generator

/** * Gererated a username in the EA format * * @author Sean Appaneal * * @version v1.0 * */ import java.util.*; import java.util.Scanner; public class UsernameGenerator { public static void main(String[] args) { try{ //try catch, cause theres one thing that breaks everything if the user is stupid boolean keepGoing = true; while(keepGoing){//while loop to allow redoing without restarting Scanner sc = new Scanner(; //naming variables String fullName; String fName; String mName; String lName; String nameLength; String gradYear; System.out.println("Please input your full name"); fullName = sc.nextLine(); int spot = fullName.indexOf(" ");//find first space fName = fullName.substring(0,1);//get first letter of first name mName = fullName.substring(spot+1,spot+2);//get first letter of middle name fullName = fullName.substring(spot+1);//chop of everything before and including first space spot = fullName.indexOf(" ");//find second space lName = fullName.substring(spot+1); //get full last name if(spot == -1){//if theres only one sapce, they don't have a middle name, so this gets rid of it mName = ""; } int length = lName.length();//gets length of last name if (length < 4){ //for if the last name if < 4 characters lName = fullName.substring(spot+1); }else{ lName = fullName.substring(spot+1, spot+5); //gets first for letters of last names > 4 chars } System.out.println("Please enter your graduation year");//get grad year gradYear = sc.nextLine(); length = gradYear.length(); if(length < 4 || length > 4){ System.out.println("Please use only four digits"); gradYear = sc.nextLine(); } gradYear = gradYear.substring(2,4);//take last two numbers of grad year System.out.println(lName + fName + mName + gradYear);//print the results //ask if they want to go again System.out.println("Press 1 to continue, or 2 to stop"); int go = sc.nextInt(); if(go != 1)//stop if user doesn't input "1" keepGoing = false; }//end of while loop }//end of try catch(Exception e){ /*sarcastic comment about user putting in the wrong number of gradYear digits multiple times in a row, which for some reason breaks the program */ System.out.println("Congrats you managed to break it"); } }//end of main }//end of class

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