Who is the Average Stooge? (Excel Formula)

=INDEX(A$1:D$1,MATCH(MIN(ABS(A2:D2-AVERAGE(A2:D2))),ABS(A2:D2-AVERAGE(A2:D2)),0)) // This is an array formula. // An array formula is bounded by curly braces "{ }" which can't be simply entered manually. Instead, commit an array formula thus: // CTRL+Shift+Enter (PC) // CMND+Shift+Enter (Mac)
What this formula does:
1. Evaluates a row of numbers.
2. Identifies the number closest to row average.
3. Returns that number's column header.

View Excel table and formula here: http://1drv.ms/1OkNlgk
- Click on the "closest-to-average" sheet.

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