var realFavicon = require ('gulp-real-favicon');
var fs = require('fs');
// File where the favicon markups are stored
var FAVICON_DATA_FILE = 'faviconData.json';
// Generate the icons. This task takes a few seconds to complete.
// You should run it at least once to create the icons. Then,
// you should run it whenever RealFaviconGenerator updates its
// package (see the check-for-favicon-update task below).
gulp.task('favicon-1-generate', function(done) {
masterPicture: './favicon/favicon.png',
dest: './dist/favicon',
iconsPath: './favicon/',
design: {
ios: {
pictureAspect: 'noChange'
desktopBrowser: {},
windows: {
pictureAspect: 'noChange',
backgroundColor: '#da532c',
onConflict: 'override'
androidChrome: {
pictureAspect: 'noChange',
themeColor: '#ffffff',
manifest: {
name: 'baku-taksi',
display: 'browser',
orientation: 'notSet',
onConflict: 'override'
safariPinnedTab: {
pictureAspect: 'blackAndWhite',
threshold: 53.90625,
themeColor: '#5bbad5'
settings: {
scalingAlgorithm: 'Mitchell',
errorOnImageTooSmall: false
}, function() {
// Inject the favicon markups in your HTML pages. You should run
// this task whenever you modify a page. You can keep this task
// as is or refactor your existing HTML pipeline.
gulp.task('favicon-2-inject-markups', function() {
gulp.src([ './dist/*.html' ])
// Check for updates on RealFaviconGenerator (think: Apple has just
// released a new Touch icon along with the latest version of iOS).
// Run this task from time to time. Ideally, make it part of your
// continuous integration system.
gulp.task('favicon-3-check-for-update', function(done) {
var currentVersion = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(FAVICON_DATA_FILE)).version;
realFavicon.checkForUpdates(currentVersion, function(err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
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